Samp server download
Samp server download

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# Available script commands (To use with /etc/init.d/name-of-this-script command): # Start your SAMP server by typing "/etc/init.d/name-of-this-script start". # Add the daemon script to your daemon autostart by typing "update-rc.d name-of-this-script defaults". # Set the port for you SAMP server by setting the "PORT" variable in the configuration section of this script. # Copy this script into "/etc/init.d" and set it as executable by typing "chmod +x /etc/init.d/name-of-this-script". # Rename your "samp03srv" into "samp-srv" using "mv samp03srv samp-srv". # Change your current directory to the servers directory using "cd /opt/samp/port-of-your-server". # Copy or move the content of the new directory into "/opt/samp/port-of-your-samp-server" using "cp -R. # Extract the archive using "tar -xf samp03bsvr_R2.tar.gz". # Download the SAMP server for Linux from the SAMP website () using wget (Example: "wget "). # Create a directory "/opt/samp/port-of/your/samp-server". # Login to you Linux server using SSH or whatever you want to use to get a terminal of you server. # It will also prevent you from multiple launchings of the same SAMP server. # So it is possible to auto start the SAMP servers if you restart you Linux server. # This is a simple daemon script for Linux to start you SAMP servers as daemons.

Samp server download